Thursday, March 5, 2009

There are no words to describe this....

Sarah Palin needs a good grooming in a very bad way. Trying to be frugal I thought I can do it myself I'll just google poodle grooming (say that three times real fast) and I found this.

Want see more craziness click this!


Millie said...

Oh, I'm sorry, but that is so cool. If I could do that to my dog, I would. :)

Super Happy Girl said...

I saw that a few days ago and theone that got me was the mutant ninja turtle.
Wow. I bet that took a long time..but WHY?

Klin said...

Jay Leno would NOT approve.

Those poor dogs. Poor, poor puppy dogs.

Heffalump said...


Unknown said...

Sarah Palin needs some neon highlights.

elasticwaistbandlady said...

My Papi gets this stuffy business magazine called The Week. Well, I guess a lot of stuffy business people desire to unleash their creativity on their poor, hapless Fifi dogs because they ran a whole segment on this lady who styles her poodle in the most outlandish ways.

My favorite is the Panda bear look. :)

Carrot Jello said...

I don't understand.

Nancy Face said...

What the? Haha!

If I were those poodles I'd be biting somebody! ;)

Suzanne said...

Oh please tell me that isn't a real dog... Oh wait! It is a dog from the 1970's. Now we just need a lava lamp and tie dye tee! :)

Please come and check out my blog when you have a moment. I've been working on a really cool project! :)

Tori :) said...

Holy cow! What the heck!!??!

Lisa said...

Sad! Poor dog!

Acacia said...

I could not say google poodle grooming once without giggling, or even twice without messing-up. That phrase will be stuck in my head all day now.

Father Al said...

A most joyous Mother Earth Day to you dear Carrie.


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